Feng Shui Garden Consultants

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Our Feng Shui and Gardening Background



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Question: Is your consultation focused on the purely spiritual aspects of Feng Shui?

Answer: As Feng Shui artist-gardeners, we develop a plan sensitive to both the spiritual and visual components of your garden, incorporating color, texture, etc., to create a harmonious composition.. It is your choice as to what aspects you would like to more fully develop. Our practice of Feng Shui is concerned with creating a positive flow of energy in your environment.

Question: How can your Feng Shui Garden Consultation bring more wealth and prosperity into my life?

Answer: By utilizing the elements of Feng Shui to create an atmosphere of receptivity, more avenues of abundance are allowed into your life. A gracious environment is both uplifting and nuturing.

Question: Will I have to totally redo my existing garden if I use your consultation services?

Answer: No. We are able to work with your existing garden and make recommendations according to the plantings that are already there.

Feng Shui modifications might include the addition of stone, wood, metal or water elements, as well as possibly bringing in plants of a beneficial color to a specific area. We consult Your needs as well as your budget are kept in mind during your consultations.

Question: Do all Feng Shui gardens have a similar Asian appearance?

Answer: No. While Feng Shui is an Asian concept, its basic principles and considerations can be applied to any garden site and climate as enhancements to your environment.

Our Feng Shui garden plan is custom designed to create a living space that uniquely reflects your tastes, lifestyle and specific site.


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